D says… check zis band…

November 4, 2009


It’s been fucking ages since I’ve been excited (in a totally sexual way) about a new British band. To actually listen to something that has the pizzazz of originality is seriously rejuvenating. Their new album – Thank You – has been made available for free on their website. I’ll be honest, it’s beyond me why it has no price tag – not that it’s a bad album – just it ain’t exactly In Rainbows.

I dunno if the motive for releasing it free was a whole middle-finger-fuck-you-corporate-wankers thingy, or whether it was literally just to get the album out there and listened to. I’ll try ask them some day. Meanwhile lets focus on the content.

It’s kinda surreal, there are those wistful Explosions In The Sky post-rock intros and relapses, the intro to Diver wouldn’t be amiss on the Friday Night Lights soundtrack. Then you have Hospital with its Brian Wilson Beach Boys surf vibe and sing along hooks. Set Your Right, on the other hand, has an electro feel whilst Hometime has a hammering piano Panic At The Disco’esque charm.

This album is truly a pick ‘n’ mix of genres and you’d be an absolute mug if you didn’t go and download the shit out of it right now.

Seriously, do it. NOW.

Canterbury MySpace

Canterbury Website (For Album Download)


D Says… This is the shizzznay.

November 3, 2009

This is just a stroke of genius…


Bring Me The Horizon

November 2, 2009

I had me first phoner interview the other day. It was Oli Sykes of BMTH – a rather controversial figure in the metal music scene since their breakthrough album ‘Count Your Blessings‘ in 2006. There was that whole unwarranted golden shower incident at Nottingham Rock City a couple of years back, and let’s be honest – we’ll never know if this actually happened – if he did do it then she should be grateful it wasn’t a Cleveland steamer.

Anyway, I was set for the interview with the sketchiest set up ever to record – phone on loud speaker + recording equipment set to record from internal mic = Sketchy. As. Fuck.

I wasn’t so much worried about the interview, just the quality of the recording and whether it would be transcriptional. I even topped up £15 on my phone as I was aware that he was in the land of kraut, despite not really being able to justify spending that much money at a time when my bank balance arsehole feels violated. The phone call ended up costing me 50p.

Hello” – and so I proceeded to ask if it was “Oliver” – “Yeah, who’s this” – he sounded as enthusiastic as a blind person on November 5th. When I told him I was press he seemed to chirp up a little, I have an inkling they’re trying to revamp his image via interviews (a recent Kerrang! interview highlights my point perfectly). He actually came across as a really sound guy, not arrogant, more… simple.

In all I’d say that it was one of the easier interviews I’v done, only lasting about 10 minutes but got some quotable shit from it. Worth 50p anyway.

Read it here.


I’m ‘a do things my way, it’s my way, my way or the A1 Northbound.

November 2, 2009

Please bear witness to another of my attempts to begin (and update) an online blog, which I doubt many people will read. It occurred to me that there happens to be a minute amount of online publications accommodating a spectrum of what I like to call shit hot music. I thought fuck it. Here goes nothing.

Most of the crap I put on here will be musings of sort. Other stuff will be content that I’ve done for other websites and work which I’ve remodelled to put on here. I’ll be divulging my strife and experiences whilst I try to squeeze my way into the gigantic-fuck-off-corporate-monster-ball-breaking-bum-licking industry.